Waking From the Woke Nightmare...
The Left Is Trying to Cancel America
By Trish Regan
Cancel culture is real, everyone – I'm living proof of it. You can't claim that COVID is politicized or that dozens of gender pronouns are a tad much... If you do, mobs of social (in)justice Twitter trolls will chase you away into the furthest reaches of the Internet.
And this is just the beginning...
Look what happened to Parler, and now Dems are now leaning on the FCC to cancel Fox News, Newsmax, OAN... ostensibly any Right-leaning news outlets in existence. There's Congressional pressure on cable providers like AT&T and streaming platform Roku to inspect these outlets for disinformation.
Is it starting to sound like a dystopian horror movie yet?
And if you have any associations with Trump, forget it. They don't want to hear from you. Frankly, this move to censure and censor everyone on the opposing side is tyrannical. We're no longer looking like America, but rather a totalitarian state devolving into North Korea or Russia.
On the American Consequences podcast this week, Dan Gainor, Vice President of censorship watchdog company TechWatch, explains how congressmen are actively trying to leverage their position in Washington to violate the First Amendment.
Dan says,
"Progressives only advocate for tolerance if you agree with them."
They don't want to win on ideas – they want to win on the grounds of control and power – the languages where they're truly fluent. As for our freedom to speak and prosper, it seems they regard the Constitution as just another discarded Democratic relic getting in the way of their new woebegone, woke excuse for a country.
And the idea that Congress is now restricting free speech and the free press is beyond insidious. They blot out anything they deem misinformation, and joined in this chorus is Big Tech, evidenced by former Facebook Security Chief Alex Stamos calling for de-platforming en masse.
The Times, They Are A-Fadin'
Here's a Sunday crossword question for you... What's twelve letters across and used to be a real newspaper?
That's right, the once-venerable New York Times. Perhaps no media behemoth better represents the decay of objectivity at the hands of the Left than the Times. They appear to have given up on being journalists in favor of being Gen-Z-approved woke activists with social feeds, followers, and a too-transparent agenda.
The paper's responsible for a recent blitz of firings as they break their former principles to cater to progressive policing. Freelance editor Lauren Wolfe: canceled. Donald McNeil Jr., a 45-year newsroom veteran, and their lead pandemic reporter: canceled.
And of course, by canceled, I mean fired. Over a tweet... A sound bite... Over nothing at all. Context and reality don't matter to the Times anymore, apparently – just a sweaty hand on the cancel culture trigger, hunting for the next hollow offense and innocent casualty. And if you write an op-ed against liberal rioting over there, you must be a fascist.
The New York Times has also called for President Joe Biden to appoint a "reality czar" – yes, you read that, correctly – and its 1619 Project is attempting to rewrite America's history as we know it.
The Great Miseducation
The Left's influence on culture in the past half-century is incalculable – they've been shrewder than conservatives on how they've spent their money and where they've flexed their influence. They've had decades of infiltrating culture from Hollywood, tech, academia, and beyond.
Dan traces the Left's stranglehold on culture back to the 1960s – New Media then consisted of alternative antiwar city newspapers that challenged Nixon's authority. But these young Boomers grew up and became pillars of the traditional press (perhaps working over at the New York Times now).
The Left's narrative seems to be that America is evil. Despite the obvious liberal guilt fueling this framing, social media has accelerated this storyline so that now journalists are no longer neutral players.
But this agenda isn't just pushed in newsrooms – it's in our children's classrooms, too. The Minnesota public school system revisited its K-12 curriculum recently, deciding to overhaul its Social Studies program. This move meant ridding the World Wars, Holocaust, Civil War, and Revolutionary War from the pages of American history while refocusing on the genocide of indigenous people. It seems they want our American schoolchildren to be ashamed of this country.
Left Abandoned
So, where is all this Leftist propaganda heading? What's the end game?
Dan says that the Left foundationally doesn't believe in America, its founders, or our bedrock documents. They're so sensitive to cultural relativity for other countries now, but not when it concerns the likes of Washington or Jefferson. He claims that the Left re-envisions a Year Zero approach to America. In short, they want to start over on a blank slate – erasing our history, our collective past be damned.
Statues torn down, places of worship shuddered, persecuted dissidents? Sound familiar? It should. It's how the People's Republic of China washed away its past in the name of one voice from the state. And that's what's happening in America right now.
From Dan...
"The Left is all about diversity, except when it comes to ideas."
Listen, of course America's not perfect. But since its founding, it has steadily evolved for the better. But some people who hate this country push the levers from positions of power – government, tech, academia, media, et al.
We currently have a nation where too many people are living off the system. Instead, we need to enable people to help themselves and engage and participate in our economy. But Dan says that's the ultimate catch... The Left doesn't want to help people.
He claims that sophomoric ideas like UBI bandied about by Andrew Yang are fundamentally against this country's DNA, opposed to our intrinsic American hustle. Listen, we developed a COVID vaccine in less than a year. We just put a helicopter on Mars. This is still America, and we're still capable of achieving historic feats together.
But that can't keep happening if the Left continues to splinter us into a paranoid citizenry, waiting to be sacrificed at the altar of wokeness.
Canceling America
But with the reality of cancel culture further eclipsing the landscape – moving from banning individuals to platforms to whole news entities – what's the answer?
Most people in this country want to wake up from this nightmare of mass censorship and have reasonable adults in the room making logical choices for free speech. The path forward involves conservatives needing to be more strategic about their platforms and messaging, and citizens should let their voices be heard, especially in the forum of local politics.
We need to stand up for ourselves, our values, and our country. We need to push forward with what makes sense – enough with the handouts and taxation. What we need is to open up the economy and give us a chance to prosper.
And we shouldn't forget the centuries of struggle that it took this country to arrive here – will we fall like the Roman Empire, or will we persist as a republic? Because without our history, America is condemned not to have a future – and China's waiting in the wings.