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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Where is my money placed?

First of all, it seems that my blog has been blocked by WeChat (really like a WC now, isn't?😏) as a direct link. So you have to copy/paste to Safari to open and view it.
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This is the last weekend before the Presidential Election on Nov 3. So we are very near to the moment that will decide the US future. Who will win? Anyone's guess at this moment although I have a firm confidence that the great Trump will win and give this great country four more years to continue to be great! Needless to say, I'm a strong Trump supporter. So the question comes where my money is lined up in this quite impactful election. Maybe you will think this is obvious that I hope Trump will win that will benefit me more financially. Certainly Trump's win will continue to boost the economy and the stock market, which will benefit me greatly. But you may be shocked to hear me also saying that, believe or not, Biden's win will also give me a net benefit financially, at least in the near term. Let me explain....

There are several aspects that I can largely benefit from a Dem's administration:
  • A few months ago I said I believe Biden's win will cause a market to crash. I must say I may be wrong with new developments emerging that I didn't consider back then. Actually now I also think Biden's decisive win will probably trigger a bull run for the market at least for a few months actually. Why so? Money printing!! As we all know, Dem is more in favor of printing money that is not to stimulate fundamental economy but more for wealth redistribution, which in the long run will accelerate the bankruptcy of the country but in the short run it is net positive for the stock market. As you may know, the Dem controlled House is trying very hard to push for a $5 Trillion stimulus package at the moment, which in a significant part is to designed to bail out the bankrupted Dem States that have been ill managed financially for decades. For sure the Trump administration is blocking this ill move for now. But if Biden wins, this will likely be pushed through very quickly and per some estimate, the amount will even be ballooned up to $6 Trillion or more. The shortsighted market always loves liquidity as much as possible and will for sure jump higher for that. 
  • A Dem's administration will be hugely positive for the legalization of  Marijuana nationwide. Putting aside the morality debate, this is a trend that cannot be stopped as nearly all of the States have one way or the other legalizes marijuana. While I personally don't like the recreational use of it, I'm very in favor of its use for the medical purposes, which to me has a huge bright future. So I have put quite some money in publicly listed cannabis stocks for this inevitable megatrend for the next decade. In addition, I have also invested quite a few startup companies in this field or called private equity investment. If Biden wins, this sector will shoot up to the moon. Who knows my investment in the early startups may bring me 50 or 100 times or even more returns
  • Precious metals and cryptos will also significantly benefit from a highly inflationary Biden administration. As I have talked about for many years, I'm a gold bug and now also a crypto bug that we have a great stake in both areas. I think the $5-6 Trillion stimulus package will trigger another moonshot for gold, silver and cryptos including bitcoin. Again I'm not only talking about publicly listed stocks but also private equity for both precious metal mining and crypto related startups. If any luck, this is also a potential for a big return as well. Regardless, at least Biden's win will trigger a home run for them that I can benefit from!
I hope you can see what I mean now why I may likely benefit a lot from a winning Biden from this election. So why am I such a strong anti-Biden/Dem advocate? Maybe sound disingenuous but it is truly from the bottom of my heart: for the long term prospects of this country in the big scheme of things and for my kids/grandkids future. Let me elaborate it a bit as well.
  •  Any Chinese of my age growing up in the 60s/70s certainly understands what kind of life we have gone through: extreme poverty! So we have first hand experience of what socialism can do and harm to the society. Wealth equality and redistribution will only destroy a country regardless of how rich it is, period! I'm 100% positive that each of us can tell a long story about what hardship we have gone through all these years before well establishing ourselves overseas! When we left China in the early 90s, we were so poor that I literally had to borrow money from my friend to buy an air ticket to Europe. The only hard cash I had at that time that I could carry with me was a couple of hundreds of HK$. And without knowing before we arrived, we couldn't exchange HK$ to the European country's money at the airport and therefore had no money to call a taxi. Luckily we met a strange overseas Chinese at the airport who helped us to call a taxi by prepaying the fare. I literally had to go to a restaurant immediately to work for living after I landed in Europe, which to many was already lucky enough as without a friend's help I could not even be so "luxurious" to quickly find a job when I could not even speak the local language (my work was to do cleaning work and wash dishes)!!  And without being able to rent a place to live initially, I had to live in a small church for a few weeks again with the help of friends. Then we had gone through numerous hassles, difficulties, and challenges in several different countries before we finally settled down here in the US. It is really a book long story if I want to tell all the details and I'm pretty sure most of friends out there can write also a book to tell their stories. Largely due to the uncertainties all those years, I can say I'm an undereducated guy as I didn't have time and money to go to any college/university even for one day for further education after I left China. So except the MD (equivalent) I got in China, I have nothing to show off for my academic background. Actually as I have told my wife many times, if I were 10 years younger, I'd probably try to get a MBA and work in Wall Street, which is really where my interest is!  I'm telling you all of these to let you know how much I value what I have got not only from my own efforts but with a lot of friends' help which I'm dearly appreciated and thankful! But ultimately without a society that has a system in place to encourage people to earn and create wealth by working hard regardless of your background, academic level, race and color, I know for sure I cannot have realized what I have got today! I know I will never reach what I dream for in a socialism country, period! 
  • Therefore my experience before and after leaving the home country has made me a strong believer that wealth is earned not given. And we cannot take anything for granted but we must make our own efforts to earn what we'd like to get! This belief has been so strongly established that has been engraved in my heart. Nothing can remove it, not ever!! Of course, wealth building requires personal efforts but it is equally important that a merit/effort rewarding system is available to allow such kind of efforts to be materialized meaningfully. Back in my youth years in China before the 90s, regardless of how much efforts we made, there was no way one could build up their own wealth as the wealth redistribution and egalitarianism (平均主义/大锅饭)were destroying any hope to make a decent living by personal efforts. After so many years of experiencing hardship and struggles before firmly establishing myself financially, do I want to go back to a society that will again promote wealth redistribution and egalitarianism? No way for me!! That's why I so much disgust Dem's socialism philosophy and policies which are totally against my fundamental belief and I'm completely convinced that they will bring down and destroy the US in the end!!!
  • Sure this is not something we will see and even feel overnight, rather a long term consequence. But the longer we move into such kind of system, the less chance we can go back. Socialism is just like an additive poison that may make you feel great while it is silently destroying and killing you. And we all know DEM as a whole has become increasingly radical and virtually all of their policies are becoming closer and closer to the Left-extremism. Here are the main ones: guaranteed basic income, free health care, free tuition, free child care, open borders and the Green New Deal.  More concerning, numerous scandals about the Biden family and many Democratic and leftist tycoons have recently been exposed, such as drug abuse, incest, abusive sex, child abuse, power and money trading, and even murder, treason, and collusion with terrorist forces ( 吸毒、乱伦、滥性、虐童、权钱交易,甚至谋杀、叛国、勾结恐怖势力). Most people would think this is a devastating blow to the left camp. But you are wrong! These criminal things are certainly beyond decent people's ethical bottom line, but not for Dem Leftists. For them, these are acceptable behaviors as long as they are in the name of politically correct!  
  • As such, if Dem controls the power, the US has no way but go down morally and economically. Just look at all the major cities that are controlled by DEM, from Detroit, Baltimore,  Chicago to now New York and Los Angel et al. They are either already trashed or are rapidly deteriorating. Here is what I just saw in a report: "苛政猛于虎! 在民主党统治下,加利福尼亚州的贫困率在美国最高,在美国的税收也最高。 无数加州人因为负担不起房租而流落街头。 露宿者的数量已达到新高。 加利福尼亚正在继续滑入深渊!(California has the highest poverty rate in the United States under the Democrat rule, and the highest tax rate in the United States. Countless Californians have fallen into the streets because they cannot afford rent. The number of street sleepers has reached a new high. California is  continuing to slide into the abyss!)" At the country level, just look at the real life example what has happened to Venezuela, a once richest country in South America that has been totally destroyed and decimated by the radical left government within just 15 or so years!! The country is one of poorest in the world now!! This is how much the destructive power the Left has that can demolish all the good things if you allow them. 
  • Sure this is not a short term phenomenon that will immediately affect the society in a profound way. As a matter of fact, my wife and I have already made up our own mind with a plan for a possible retirement life overseas. We don't need to stay here, especially if the radical Dem is in power. We have already established out foothold in other countries, e.g. Panama where we can liver like a king with what we have already got, given the substantially lower costs of living but with a world-class infrastructure and financial system. If you are interested to learn more, see my previous blog here. Ironically we may even benefit more from the DEM's welfare system after retirement but do I want to see a rapidly deteriorating country for my kids and grandkids that I know will end up with a disaster like Venezuela?
I hope this is the question everyone should ask for themselves before casting their vote next week! To me it is very clear that this is not a simple choice of Trump vs Biden, but which future you'd like America to be. As a matter of fact, Biden means really nothing to Dem but rather just a puppet! If he is elected, America has basically elects the radical leftist in the power. That's how worrisome as far as I can see and why I'm so strongly against Biden with the radical Dem behind him!!

By the way, just saw this well-written blog: 11月3日,你和我为谁投票?This friend has done a great job to summarize in more details from all the important aspects why this election is so important for you and me as well as for the US future. Highly recommend you to read it if you haven't!✌✊


By the way, if you are interested in joining my DW investment group, we have set up a Telegram group. 

Here is the link for "DW  谈股论金":    

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Friday, October 30, 2020

Uncertainty worry is coming back

Early this month I warned a VIX hike was likely coming. Here is what I said: By the way, the fear index VIX is sending a big warning sign for the next 3 weeks. As I said before, the VIX call/put ratio tells us a lot about what it is heading. For next week, the VIX call is priced in 8 times more than its put, 12 times more in the week after and then 15 times more in the last week of Oct. If you love to chase the market, be aware of this as this indicator is pretty accurate in its prediction. As we all know, a high VIX is usually associated with a lower market. We have seen times and times again that VIX can jump 50% with a blink of eyes.   Well, it turns out to be right again. VIX nearly doubled this week from low 20s to almost 40 within days and the market got hammered hardly as well. The VIX indicator proves itself once again for its fortune teller ability. 

So what VIX futures are telling us now? See its cure below, which tells how VIX traders are seeing the future in the remaining of the year through next year. 

Chart - Buying Near-Term Protection

Typically, you would expect that the VIX futures curve should go upward from left to right, given the insuring cost against volatility should be more expensive further out in the future. That's natural in a normal situation. But right now, investors are paying more for near-term insurance - specifically for around the election. As you can see, VIX futures are priced at the 30-33 level from Nov to Jan and then trends down consistently afterwards. This means, traders are quite nervous for the next 2-3 months, in line with what I'm also believing. This nervousness is not about who will win the election. Instead, they're worried about the potential for a delayed or inconclusive election result in November.

The high volatility the passing week is just a preview of what may be coming after Nov 3. Potentially it can jump even much higher or even challenge the Mar highs at its extreme. Again, don't be complacent!!


By the way, if you are interested in joining my DW investment group, we have set up a Telegram group. 

Here is the link for "DW  谈股论金":    

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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Status of TSLA post earnings

There is always no lack of lovers and haters for TSLA at any given time, period! After reaching its all time highs around $500 (post splitting) early September, it has cooled down in the past few weeks till now. As I said recently, I don't think TSLA has a lot of upside in the near future but potentially with a huge downside risk.  I'm personally just doing a lot of short term (often weekly) swing trading for TSLA until its long term trend is firmly established. Yesterday, I opened a long position for TSLA for next week or two. 

Tesla (TSLA) reported earnings after the close Wednesday. My friend shared with me an analysis by the hedge fund manager, Glenn Tongue,  about the earnings. Again, Bulls and bears can take something from both angles. I thought many folks would be interested to learn something from it.  

Tesla reported third-quarter earnings yesterday that, as usual, provided support for both the bears and the bulls. As usual, the earnings call was a love-fest, with little substantial discussion.

Revenue of $8.8 billion was the company's best ever, as were bottom-line results of $0.27 per share in GAAP earnings ($0.76 non-GAAP). These results were driven by record deliveries of 139,583 units, somewhat offset by price reductions taken during the quarter.

One unusual expense item in the quarter was a non-cash accrual of $543 million for the compensation package for CEO Elon Musk, which to my knowledge is by far the most lucrative in history.

A somewhat offsetting unusual revenue item was the $397 million in regulatory credits.

The company's manufacturing footprint continues to expand, with the new plant in China continuing to lead the manufacturing ramp. Next year, Tesla intends to open two new manufacturing facilities located in Texas and Germany. Clearly Tesla believes that if they build it, they will come.

Bulls were happy with the results, as revenue and earnings beat expectations. This is the fifth quarter in a row the company reported positive earnings. The company also reaffirmed its 500,000 unit target for 2020 and announced battery innovations at its recent "battery day," which it believes will drive increased efficiency, reduced costs, and significantly enhanced profitability. Musk again promised that innovative solar products, an area that has been a black eye for years, are just around the corner.

Bears will pick apart many elements of the report. Without the regulatory credits, Tesla would have once again lost money in the quarter. The financials continue to have funny characteristics, such as earning only $6 million on its $15 billion cash balance – a suspiciously low amount, even in this interest rate environment.

As China continues to grow in importance, more of Tesla's consolidated capital will be siloed offshore, not available to U.S. shareholders. And bears continue to point to Standard & Poor's refusal to admit Tesla to its S&P 500 index, suggesting this is confirmation that S&P doesn't trust the company's financial reporting and/or future prospects.

Bottom line: Tesla continues to be a battleground stock. There is no doubt that it's growing much faster than other major automotive manufacturers and will almost certainly continue to do so for quite some time.

But with a market capitalization of approximately $400 billion, equal to more than 15 times trailing revenues, an awful lot of optimism is built into today's stock price.


By the way, if you are interested in joining my DW investment group, we have set up a Telegram group. 

Here is the link for "DW  谈股论金":    

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Friday, October 23, 2020

还Joe and Hunter Biden 应得之公道

Since the breakout of the news about the Hunter's hard disk which contains thousands of emails with their business secrets involving Joe Biden in doing businesses with various other countries while he was still the US VP as well as tons of Hunter's porn photos. One very concerning finding among these filthy photos is that Hunter seems to be engaged in sex with underage girls, which is a rather severe crime in the US. Some text messages also suggest that Joe Biden was made aware of this sex crime by Hunter himself long time ago but the Big Guy kept silent without reporting it to the law enforcement. This by itself is also against law without reporting sex crime on underage girls. In other words, both the father and the son in Biden's family appear to have committed crime as disclosed by the hard disk.

But the Dem party and the left media have again defended for Biden with the famous Russia conspiracy theory, claiming the authenticity of the information and photos in the hard disk is questionable and the whole hard disk could just be created by Russia. Well for all fairness to Bidens (H and J), the hard disk and the associated information and photos indeed need to be thoroughly investigated. Maybe the whole story was indeed manufactured by Russia in order to defame Biden and his family. If so, we must find it out to catch up the real culprit and bring them to the justice! 


为此,我们强烈要求馬上展開對拜登父子是否貪污賣國性侵幼女进行調查!我相信只要有最基本的人性和良知的人, 无论党派都会同意,性侵儿童是泯灭人性不可原谅的罪恶,必须受到应有的法律制裁!对如此的恶行视而不见无异于助纣为虐,也必将受到良心的谴责!!

请签名!并转发!Please sign the petition!
Please SIGN and SHARE this petition which calls on the U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, to investigate the Hunter Biden affair now!

This Market Sector is Predicting a Landslide Election

As I have said before, since 1984 whenever the market is gaining within 3 months prior to the election date, the incumbent President will win the reelection. So far so good  and we have only about one week to go. Will the market tank next week? Sure anything is possible but per all the technical indicators, this is unlikely. We will still see a lot of fluctuations for sure but probably in a relatively tight range bound. So far I don't see S&P will decline much below $3400. Actually I see there is a better chance that the market may go up next week.

While the left-dominated media wants to paint out a very dire economic picture for you in order to scare people away from President Trump, no matter how much they peddle fear and panic, the U.S. economy is recovering. This week's jobs report shared just 787,000 jobless claims. October has seen the lowest levels since March of this year. This is all great for the President! 

From the trading perspective, as I have told my groups, doing swing trading per the range bound is a great idea for the near term, especially before Nov 3. After that, be careful as we may abruptly go into a very turbulent period! 

Let me share with you another viewpoint which suggests President Trump may likely win in a landslide fashion. Believe or not, we will see the result soon!


I believe the markets are telling us that Donald Trump will win a second term in office.

Let me be clear… nothing I'm writing here is meant to be political commentary. I'm not saying I am pro-Trump, nor am I saying I'm pro-Biden. I'm simply outlining what the markets tell me based on my own framework for discounting the future.

And right now, the markets are telling me Trump wins in a landslide.


Because tech stocks continue to rally, rather than crash.

Let me explain.

Tech Stocks Telling Behavior

Joe Biden has made it very clear that if elected, he would end the Trump Tax Cuts.

Now, the election is November 3rd, 2020. However, if he won the Presidency Joe Biden would not actually be sworn into office until January 20, 2021 (or so).

Put another way, if elected, Biden would not actually be able to end the Trump Tax cuts until sometime in late January / early February 2021.

Which means every hedge fund manager, mutual fund manager, and professional trader would have a small window of time to lock in his or her gains prior to the Trump Tax Cuts ending and a higher rate of taxation hitting their market profits.

What do you think those people who manage tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of assets would do with their profits during that time?

The answer is obvious: they would sell their winners in 2020 to lock in the gains at a lower tax rate.

And where have the largest profits in stocks occurred during the Trump years?

The chart below comparing the tech-based NASDAQ (red line) and the S&P 500 (black line) says it all.

Chart: Tech vs. S&P500

Remember, stocks are a discounting mechanism. We are now a mere two weeks away from the election. So, the market is anticipating the outcome already.

And what are tech stocks doing?

They're rallying hard, approaching new all-time highs.

Chart: Tech Rallying

If the market thought Joe Biden was going to win, we'd be seeing stocks, particularly tech stocks, struggle to move higher. They're not. They're ripping higher. Which tells me that the markets believe higher taxes AREN'T coming, and investors want to buy — NOT sell — right now.

Graham Summers
Editor, Money & Crisis  

Monday, October 19, 2020

A water-torture

"The Biden campaign and Hunter Biden have not disputed the authenticity of any of the emails from his purported laptop that have been published so far," The Daily Caller reported. "They have also not denied that Biden dropped off the laptop at a computer shop last year."  

By now I guess everyone knows what's going on for the corrupted Biden and his family. It is just disgusting, which is still understated!!😈👿 I can hardly understand anyone with the knowledge of his severe crime (nothing less than trason/叛国罪) can still vote for him! If you don't know yet, FOX has checked and found out that Biden's family asset was just worth about $390K in 2016 but blooned to over $10 million in 2017-2019. A retired senator without doing any decent businesses is known to the public, how can anyone accumulate such kind of wealth within 2-3 years? Now we all know where the money came from: all the dirty money from foreign countries by selling the US interests via his low IQ son😠 

Regarding the sex photos and videos in the disk for H Biden, everyone knows he is a dirty man with chaotic sex life. But what I just learnt is that the FBI agent who took over the drive was one who is specialized in sex crimes for underaged victims. What it means is that it is likely some photos/videos are related to Hunter's sex with young girls, which is a very serious crime in the US. If confirmed, a jail time should be guaranteed! I think this is probably deeply rooted in his family starting from Creepy Joe. You see, J Biden has a long history of inappropriately touching and caressing women in all ages whenever he has got a chance. I'm pretty sure this kind of inappropriate behavior has set up a role model for his mentally challenged son, who started to engage young girls in his dirty sex life probably long time ago. Just disgusting!!😡 I hope he will face justice soon for his crime. ✊✊

This must a water-torture for Bidens righ now, thanks to the masterful manveour of this drama by the great Guiliani who releases the evidence little by little instead of dumping everything all at once. This is likely why the who Dems from the very top and the Biden's campaign team are totally silent without knowing how to respond to this crisis. Just think about it, simply based on fabricated "evidence" or rumors, they would jump up and down for the past 3 years in trying to impeach Trump for the Russia collusion nonsense or the  Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings saga. What they would do if they have slight defence that you could use now to fight back for this nearly fatal crisis? No they have nothing to defend right now, a total silence by Pelosi or Schumer and their whole gang!! This is most likely due to the fact that they are not sure what other hard evidence is still held up by Guiliani who has said to release gradually till 10 days prior to Nov 3. If they try to defend now without hard materials to support, they will certainly slap their own face when Guiliani releases more evidence to counteract their defense. 

Let me use the famous Chinese old sayings to finish this blog:   善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到! I cannot wait to see the total fall and collapse of the evil Biden family  along with those radical Lefts who indulge and support him for pursing the crimes all these years!! We will see the justice soon💪💪

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Your money is at risk due to 25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if.....

Before telling you what the nightmares to come, let me share a great deep analysis about what are the pitfalls the polls we are constantly told by the mainstream media and why they are flat-out wrong. See the video here. Basically, it boils down to how the poll question is asked. See below the same insight my friend has shared with me: 

All that said, the mainstream narrative about 2020 and Wall Street might be flat-out wrong — not just curious.

In late July our Jim Rickards explained the one "tell" pointing to a Trump victory, polling data and betting markets be damned.

It's the difference between a pollster asking, "Who do you plan to vote for?" and "Who do you think will win?"

When the answers diverge, it's the latter question that's actually a better predictor of the outcome. Over the summer, Trump had the upper hand on that question.

And he still does: A Gallup poll released last Wednesday — post-debate, post-COVID diagnosis — finds 56% expect Trump to win, and only 40% say Biden.

OK, now the nightmares......It is a bit long but worth your time for sure if you do care about your money!!

25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden wins the election

Sunday, October 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams

With extremely low voter enthusiasm for Joe Biden, he can only "win" the election by cheating: Rigging the votes, censoring conservative voices online, destroying mail-in ballots for Trump, encouraging dead people to vote Democrat, and so on.

In 2016, the biased media ran with an endless stream of faked polls and projections that claimed Hillary Clinton would almost certainly win the election, but they failed to account for so-called "shy" Trump voters: People who voted for Trump but didn't talk to pollsters about their votes because of the extremely intolerant attitudes of Leftists who now label all Trump supporters as "actual Nazis."

Now in 2020, the shy Trump voters are even more numerous. They come out in rallies, and they will reliably head to the polls to vote on November 3rd, but they don't talk about their support for Trump, or they would be fired from their jobs, harassed by friends and neighbors or even violently attacked on the streets.

This means that in a fair election, absent any cheating, Trump wins by a landslide. But that's why the lawless Left is doubling down on their cheating this year, pulling out all the stops to suppress every Trump vote and rig as many fake, counterfeit votes for Biden as possible.

Because of their commitment to cheating, Democrats have a chance of stealing the election and claiming they "won." Make no mistake that in the days after the election, Democrats will magically find hundreds of thousands of "lost" ballots in car trunks, in exactly the right districts in the right states that they need to "win." This is their classic strategy, and it's how former Sen. Al Franken stole the vote to become a U.S. Senator. (Read about the "Protect the Vote" effort here to stop Democrat cheating.)

Because of the Democrats' commitment to cheating, stealing and committing fraud, we must all be prepared for the possibility of Joe Biden cheating his way to victory. Although the real chance of such an outcome is small, it isn't zero. And voters need to know what Biden and his handlers have in store for America if they seize power in January.

Study this list and share it everywhere, because Democrats have a detailed plan to utterly ruin America and plunge the nation into extreme poverty, destroying the Middle Class while left-wing authoritarians maintain monopoly rule. Here's a tour of what that plan looks like.

25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden "wins" the election

#1) Medical tyranny – Biden and his handlers will enact nationwide mandatory face mask rules and nationwide vaccine compliance rules. Those who refuse to comply will be banned from working, using public transportation or appearing in public places.

#2) Pack the court – Democrats will expand the number of US Supreme Court justices to whatever number they need in order to achieve a liberal majority. Because Democrats always cheat. If they can't win by following the rules, they change the rules! Joe Biden currently says that voters will have to elect him first to find out if he's going to pack the court. (Hint: Yes, he is.)

#3) Criminalizing "climate deniers" – So-called "climate deniers" will be criminalized, and any who deny the climate change narrative in their online posts or speech will be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned under President Kamala Harris, who has openly promised to do exactly this.

#4) Medical dictatorship – You will be subjected to endless lockdowns and made a prisoner in your own home, while the left-wing media keeps declaring "new cases" of covid have been found. This will be used to utterly crush the Middle Class and end any constitutional freedoms remaining in America.

#5) Defunding the police – Police departments will be defunded nationwide, leading to a collapse in the rule of law across every major U.S. city. This, in turn, will lead to chaos and violence as criminals run free, supported by left-leaning District Attorneys and left-wing politicians. Remember: They want to replace cops with criminals because the criminals will carry out the jobs that Democrats need done in order to make money from criminal operations (child trafficking, drug running, gun running, kidnapping, political assassinations, etc.)

#6) Reversing Trump-era court nominees – Already Joe Biden is claiming that an appointment of Amy Barrett to the court is somehow "unconstitutional," and Democrats are now absurdly claiming that Trump is "packing the court" in an illegal way. Once Biden becomes president, Democrats will push to remove Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett from the court, claiming all those appointments were illegal because Trump was an "illegitimate" president. Just watch…

#7) Nationwide bans on all AR-15s and similar semiautomatic firearms – Kamala Harris has already promised that she will use executive order powers to ban all AR-15s "in the first 100 days" of her presidency. This would instantly turn tens of millions of Americans into criminal felons if they don't agree to turn in all their guns. If Americans comply, they will be completely disarmed while facing extreme government tyranny — exactly the scenario that Democrats want to achieve before they initiate the mass genocide against Christians and conservatives they have planned (see below).

#8) Green New COLLAPSE – Under a Biden presidency, the Green New Deal becomes law, banning all combustion engines and obliterating affordable travel and transportation infrastructure. The will unleash extremely destructive collapses in farming and food production, transportation and personal freedom. (See more details below.)

#9) Rolling blackouts as the power grid fails – The Green New Deal will see coal-fired power plants shuttered and natural gas plants taken offline, resulting in the very same rolling blackouts and power grid failures that California is currently experiencing under its own "green energy" initiatives. Power failures will lead to business shut downs and a massive wave of unemployment and bankruptcy, further crushing the Middle Class in America.

#10) Agricultural collapse leads to mass famine – The Green New Deal, combined with renewed federal regulations and covid lockdowns targeting farms and food facilities, will lead to a catastrophic collapse in food production across America. With combustion engines banned, farms will have to resort to animal-powered plows and harvesting operations that will collapse food production back to 19th century levels. This will result in a 90+% plunge in food output, unleashing mass famine across the nation. Essentially, America will become North Korea in terms of famine and tyranny.

#11) Ending the Senate filibuster – If Democrats gain control of the Senate, they will end the Senate filibuster, and use their newfound majority to ram through every radical law and court appointment they can imagine. This will also be used to redefine the US Supreme Court and pack the court with Democrats. Once Democrats manage to change all the rules in their favor, Republicans will never again have even a sliver of a chance to regain political power in America.

#12) Investigations into deep state traitors are scuttled – With Biden as president, all the DoJ investigations (Barr, Durham) into left-wing deep state traitors like Obama, Brennan, Comey and Clinton will be brought to a screeching halt. No one will be charged or prosecuted for their crimes against America, because the criminals will be back in charge. And don't even think about Joe Biden being investigated for his illegal bribery and family money laundering schemes involving Ukraine and China.

#13) The end of free speech for America – While Trump and the GOP are beginning to push back against Big Tech censorship and the criminalization of conservative speech, under a Biden presidency, Big Government would merge with Big Tech to create a fascist anti-free speech "online Berlin Wall" of tyranny. Any person uttering any criticism of Kamala Harris would be immediately de-platformed and called a racist, no matter what the content of their criticism. All Black politicians will be granted completely immunity from criticism, and all White people instantly demonized and criticized for the way they were born.

#14) Huge increases in taxes on the working class – While Trump and the GOP passed generous tax cuts that allow the working class to keep more of the money they earn, Biden and Harris have promised to reverse all the Trump tax cuts and hike taxes on working people. They dishonestly claim they would only tax "the rich," but none of their tax schemes function unless they raise taxes on the Middle Class, since that's where the bulk of the national wage income is earned. Under Biden, you will work harder to keep less of your own money, while the rapidly expanding government confiscates your wealth and hands it out to People of Color as "reparations." (See below.)

#15) Surrendering to communist China – Under Barack Obama, America was being deliberately crippled to weaken it while China gained strength to eventually invade and conquer the USA. Joe Biden's family members took money from China while Biden helped funnel military secrets to the CCP. Under a Biden presidency, Chine will be given increased access to U.S. ports on the West Coast, and an increasing number of communist Chinese troops will be invited to stay in the United States as part of UN-sponsored "peacekeeping" exercises which are nothing more than a cover story for the Chinese invasion of America (that Biden supports, of course).

#16) Banning "ghost guns" nationwide – It is currently legal for U.S. citizens to manufacture their own rifles and pistols for their personal use. These homemade guns are called "ghost guns" because they have no serial numbers. They are one of the last defenses against the tyranny of the gun control mandates of an authoritarian government, because "ghost guns" cannot be tracked and don't exist on any government paperwork. Expect Biden and Harris to immediately ban ghost guns nationwide, further intruding into the rights described by the Second Amendment. People who currently own ghost guns will be criminalized and told to turn them in or face prosecutions. (Hint: I'm not turning mine in. I'm making more…) Visit to purchase a Ghost Gunner machine that allows you to make your own AR-15s at home.

#17) Reparations for Blacks – Under a Biden presidency, efforts will commence to confiscate earnings and assets from White people (who never owned any slaves, by the way) and redistribute that money to Blacks and People of Color (none of whom were ever slaves). This effort is called "reparations" and it goes hand-in-hand with the entire White guilt narrative of the intolerant Left, which now says that White people are evil because of the way they were born, while Black people are superior and must be given extraordinary powers and authority in society (that they didn't earn) because of the color of their skin, even when those Blacks are incompetent and utterly unqualified for such jobs, which is very often the case. How many Black police chiefs in America are incompetent and unqualified but got the job because they were Black? Answer: Most of them.

#18) Outlawing all private health care insurance – Under the Biden presidency — which will of course quickly become the "Harris presidency" — all forms of private health insurance will be outlawed, and everyone will be forced into a new "Medicare for all" scheme, which is essentially Third World health care with long wait times and "death panels." As you might expect, FDA attacks against nutrition, herbs and natural remedies will also be ramped up to keep people trapped in the Big Pharma racketeering scheme that pays kickbacks to lawmakers and bureaucrats (in both parties).

#19) Federal bailout of Democrat cities and states – As left-wing cities and states are currently plunging into bankruptcy, President Trump is refusing to place the bailout burden on taxpayers. He doesn't want American workers from across the country to have to bail out failed left-wing cities and states that are steeped in corruption, waste and fraud. But a Biden / Harris presidency would open the floodgates of federal money, sending trillions of dollars to Democrat jurisdictions to fund their money skimming operations, bloated pension bailouts and fraudulent government contracts that are nothing more than a means to funnel money to wealthy donors who support Democrat politicians. Case in point: Whatever happened to California's high speed rail project and the billion dollars that funded it?

#20) Rise of the thought police – Under a Biden / Harris presidency, the DoJ and White House would openly encourage universities and local governments across the country to teach Critical Race Theory and punish people for being White. Anyone who expresses a pro-Constitution, pro-Trump or pro-liberty idea will be immediately fired from their job, removed from public office, eliminated from corporate boards and essentially removed from society. The Left will metastasize into Nazi-like authoritarian obedience state, complete with actual thought police who report "thought crimes" to authorities. This will of course be strongly aided by Big Tech's surveillance and censorship capabilities.

#21) Forced low-income housing in suburbs – This program, originally launched under Obama, sought to invade suburban areas of the country with low-income housing in order to nullify the conservative votes of surburbanites. The program will be renewed under Biden / Harris, and it will force the construction of low-income, crime-ridden apartment complexes in suburban neighborhoods as part of an "integration" program that's really just a vote rigging scheme. The upshot is that White, Middle Class neighborhoods will be forced to house low-income, crime-ridden housing projects that bring drugs, prostitution and violence to the neighborhood. Combined with the "defund the police" initiatives, this would put suburban areas of the country at the mercy of left-leaning criminal gangs and drug lords, which is exactly the way the Democrats want it.

#22) Door-to-door "purges" of Christians and conservatives – Once the left-wing militants (Antifa, BLM, government thought police) are fully deployed across the nation, they will launch a door-to-door "purge" campaign to hunt down and execute any remaining individuals who are Trump supporters, Christians, conservatives or constitutionalists. No such people can be allowed to remain in the society of the "Left Cult," where absolute obedience to the LGBT agenda (see below) is required, and people must worship Kamala Harris as a god (or be exterminated). Note that this purge will only take place after the Second Amendment has been obliterated and the population largely disarmed.

#23) LGBT indoctrination of children and legalized pedophilia nationwide – The LGBT agenda will be in full force under a Biden / Harris presidency, with mandatory LGBT indoctrination of all schoolchildren and the nationwide legalization of pedophilia (which has already been partially legalized in California). School teachers will be openly encouraged to sexually "experiment" with young children, because it's part of the Left's culture of "grooming" young people for the sexual predators who rise to high positions within the Democrat party. Any who oppose the pedophilia will be called "intolerant" as the Left will claim that "love knows no age." Much of this effort has already begun, and Netflix is already broadcasting mainstream pedophilia ("Cuties") as part of the indoctrination program.

#24) The national voting age will be lowered to 14 – What Democrats have come to learn is that young people can be easily brainwashed and forced to obey absurd left-wing demands. The media's contrived celebration of climate change puppet Greta Thunberg is part of this effort to position teens and children as "world leaders," demanding that every citizen express total obedience to the whims of teen girls who push globalist lies. Much the same was true with David Hogg, the gun control teen who was engineered and shaped into a gun control fanatic, whom no one could criticize without being viciously smeared by the globalist-controlled media. Under Biden / Harris, this effort will expand from merely having young people positioned as thought leaders to having young people vote! The voting age will be lowered to 14 — or possibly even 12 — so that all future elections are determined solely by indoctrination and social media brainwashing, both of which are incredibly powerful influencing factors for young people who lack wisdom and life experience. When Dems can't convince intelligent adults to support their Marxism and communism, they simply target the children.

#25) The outlawing of Christianity and the government burning down of all Christian churches nationwide – Finally, the rise to power of the cultist Left and the Godless Democrats will sooner or later require outlawing Christianity and condemning the Bible as "hate speech" (this has already begun on Big Tech platforms). Under the totalitarian rule of Biden / Harris, the government will start burning down Christians churches nationwide, even as many of those churches beg to be left alone because they are promoting LGBT and gay marriage philosophies. But Satan has no tolerance for any church to exist other than temples that worship Satan himself. So every place of worship that recognizes Jesus Christ will be demolished, and every person who dares to practice Christianity in public will be arrested and probably tortured, China-style. This is why Democrat governors are already singling out churches for punitive lockdowns in New York, Michigan, California and elsewhere. It's a trial run for the complete outlawing of Christian churches.

If you want to live in the nightmare world described above, vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

On the other hand, if the descriptions above sound like some sort of Orwellian nightmare, and you'd rather not live under that tyranny, vote for Trump.

Compare that nightmare to the alternative: A Trump second term, where the enemies of America are defeated

Under a Trump presidency, we'll get:

  • Increased law and order, with the violent streets thugs and terrorists being arrested and prosecuted, making America's cities and suburbs safer.
  • More efforts to end Big Tech censorship and tyranny and make the internet free for everyone.
  • Prosecutions of deep state traitors like Obama, Clinton, Comey and Brennan.
  • Defense of America against the communist Chinese.
  • Defense of your Second Amendment rights and the right to self-defense.
  • Lower taxes, lower regulation and lower drug prices.
  • An ending of lockdowns. No mandatory vaccines at the federal level.
  • An ending of "Critical Race Theory" and other racist, bigoted Left wing indoctrination tactics.
  • Federal prosecutions of Antifa and BLM terrorists.
  • Stronger border protections and national defense against China and Russia.
  • Greater economic opportunity in the USA, with a renewed manufacturing economy and upward mobility.
  • Reforms of universities to end their racism against Whites (the DoJ has already launched a lawsuit against Yale).

The choice is clear. If you value freedom, honesty, security and safety, vote for Trump.

If you love demons, pedophilia, fraud, collapse, destruction, suffering, communism and hatred, choose Biden.

What If There's No Winner on Election Day?

         By Buck Sexton

Americans usually expect November 3 to be the date that will determine the presidency, but it may not be that simple this time. There are realistic scenarios – perhaps even likely ones – where we do not know who will be our next president after Election Day. With razor-thin vote margins plausible in the half dozen or so swing states that are likely to determine the election, changes to the process due to the COVID-19 pandemic may create chaos.

While 2020 has been a brutal year in politics with ferocious partisanship driving both sides, Americans need to be prepared for the very real chance that the election will turn into a weeks-long battle that will stress-test the foundations of our political system.

Mail-in ballots are the most likely reason for a delayed election-night result. Five states already hold all mail-in elections (Colorado, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, and Utah) but there are recent additions to that list because of COVID-19 fears. New Jersey and California, both with huge populations, have chosen to be vote-by-mail states this election cycle. There are also many more states that allow what's called "absentee ballots" for specified circumstances, and some of them have added concerns over COVID-19 to their list of acceptable reasons.

Politically, the fight so far has been over the distinction between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots, though both systems allow votes to be sent in via the mail. The difference, Republicans point out, is that universal mail-in voting in states would send out a live ballot to anyone who is listed as registered... despite often shockingly outdated voter-registration rolls.

The fear here is that through ballot-harvesting operations, huge numbers of unclaimed mail-in ballots could be collected, filled out, and dropped off at the polls without anyone identifying the fraud. Absentee ballots, the argument goes, are less prone to this abuse because an actual voter has to actively request one at their current registered address. It's imperfect... but less open to manipulation.

Irrespective of whether there's intentional fraud or not, there's a high probability that mail-in ballots ("vote by mail" and "absentee" together) will cause a mess in this election cycle. Millions of Americans are expected to vote through the mail this year than ever before. Much of the imminent mess will be attributed to political malice when it's really incompetence.

This was the cause of the mid-summer news cycle full of conspiracy theories that Trump was "defunding" the post office. Hysterical social media posts were shared widely on the Internet claiming Post Office boxes were being intentionally moved, and mail-sorting machines destroyed... all as part of a Trumpian scheme to disable the mail and prevent mail-in ballots from arriving.

Even though that Post Office conspiracy furor has died down for now, there's a very good chance that there will be all kinds of issues that arise from an unprecedented amount of voters entrusting their ballots to the mailman. Over a million mail-in votes are likely to be disqualified and discarded, according to an analysis in USA Today, for issues like missing signatures. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania rejected around 60,000 primary ballots already this year. These are key battleground states for the general election, which means the stakes will be even higher for the country on November 3.

There's also the issue of delayed ballot arrival to contend with... Different states have varying deadlines about when they must receive absentee and overseas ballots. If the COVID-19 pandemic really does push up mail-in voting to record numbers, there's a real possibility that state vote-handling systems will be stressed to a breaking point.

And all of this is happening during an election that is already the most contentious in living memory... Democrats still cling to the belief that President Trump didn't win the 2016 election fair and square, and are already spreading panic that Trump will refuse to step down if he loses.

Without a concession from the Democrats on election night (a very realistic scenario), the various vote-churning and litigation machines of both sides will kick into overdrive. Some states have up until December 12 to certify election results, which means that there would be weeks of gamesmanship and court battles over discarded ballots, extending deadlines, and other inevitable voting issues.

The national focus could also quickly turn to the prospect of a "contingent election" that would occur if neither side wins the electoral college. This would probably only happen if a libertarian or Green Party candidate had an unexpectedly strong finish, but much of the public's attention will turn to the next possible phase of greatest possible chaos and uncertainty.

A contingent election has only occurred three times: 1801, 1825, and 1837. So there is a process in place for this scenario, and it has been successful in keeping presidential succession going in the past. Essentially, the presidential election process is handed over to the House of Representatives, and then it all comes down to how many individual states a candidate wins. The Senate, in turn, picks the vice president (who is then "president of the Senate" after all).

But these are volatile times in the history of this country... If we don't have a winner on election night, the allegations of cheating, tyranny, and a stolen election will be screamed on TV screens, newspapers, and websites all across the country. Vast hordes of angry voters will take to the streets in protest – and from what we've seen from Biden voters all summer, some will riot, loot, and burn down neighborhoods.

It's in the best interests of the country for us to have a winner on November 3. Given the surge of mail-in ballots, such a clear resolution may be wishful thinking. With the way 2020 has gone so far, it seems much more likely that our Republic will be stress-tested in ways that will shake the foundations of our political institutions and challenge the genius of our founding documents to their core.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

It is a wishful thinking

First of all, I must say the market has been enormously resilient so far. While I still very much doubt we will see new highs anytime soon, especially not before Nov 3, I may be wrong if the bulls have enough strength to push it to new highs in the next 2-3 weeks. Having said that, this is one of few times that I'm actually happy to be wrong because a strong market will make Trump more likely to win the election.  See here: 拜登还是川普?近百年灵验指标释出这样的讯号.

In a nutshell, since 1928, the sitting president for reelection has a 90% chance to win if the market is gaining within the 3 months prior to the voting day. This odds has become 100% since 1984. Right now from Aug 3 till now, S&P has been about 6% higher. If we see a new high by Nov 3, maybe Trump will have a 200% chance to win! 💪😎 I'm all for it even though it means I will be wrong!! 

The real question for me is what will happen post Nov 3. I have heard pundits saying that the market has more and more priced in an overwhelming winning for Biden on Nov 3 and therefore it is unlikely to see a no result Nov 3 election day. Good luck if you are in this camp. For me, it is becoming increasingly likely that we will see a very chaotic Nov 3 and many weeks thereafter if not months. The situation is largely designed and pushed up towards by the Dems as they love chaos, which will help them to steal the votes to claim a win. Just look at numerous reports that wrong ballots were sent, mail ballots were stolen by strangers as captured by the monitor cam or mail ballots were destroyed, which happened to be mostly Trump's supporters' votes.......Here is just one example:

Last week, the Justice Department charged a mail carrier in New Jersey for dumping mail.
According to a DOJ statement, 26-year-old Nicholas Beauchene was arrested and charged with one count of delay of mail and one of obstruction of mail. If found guilty of both charges, he faces up to five years and six months in prison and a $255,000 fine.
Court documents say that Beauchene has worked for the Postal Service since July. He's accused of dumping 1,875 pieces of mail in two dumpsters, one in North Arlington and the other in West Orange.
The mail in the North Arlington dumpster contained 98 general election ballots; mail found in the West Orange dumpster had one general election ballot. All of the mail, according to the DOJ, was eventually delivered.
  Just use your imagination what the Dems can do to mess up the election so that they can 鱼目混珠 to claim a victory!  

No need to say, I'm a strong Trump supporter.✌💪 For me, this is not a choice which person will be the next president but a choice if we can keep the US as a foundational capitalism country or to become the next Venezuela destroyed by the extreme Lefts! 

But the real purpose of this post is not about the ultimate result of this election but my conviction that we will enter into a very chaotic time period post Nov 3, which will tank the market. Of course you don't need to believe me but at your own cost!!😵  

For me it will be wise to have some protection in place in case such chaotic turmoil indeed become reality. One thing I think everyone should consider is to buy a gun or some self defensive device if permitted. We may very likely see some violent chaos as Lefts love violence, looting, and rioting as we have seen what has happened for months with the so-called BLM moment promoted by the Lefts. For the investing part, buying some stocks in this area should be a good idea. In my DW Family, I have shared an idea of a penny stock a couple of months ago for personal protection and security products for law enforcement. It has quickly jumped over 50% by now and I think more upside is coming, especially if I'm right about the possible post-election turmoil.  This is not a time to be complacent folks!!😏 


By the way, if you are interested in joining my DW investment group, we have set up a Telegram group. 

Here is the link for "DW  谈股论金":    

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  1. When open the blog in Wechat,  点击右上角的三点,然后选在Safari 中open,然后点击the link and then join 
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Friday, October 16, 2020

Tucker Carlson has Tied Everything All Together

The New Hunter Biden Emails From Tucker Carlson Tie Everything All Together

Posted at 9:00 am on October 16, 2020 by Nick Arama

AP featured imageTucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," poses for photos in a Fox News Channel studio, in New York, Thursday, March 2, 2107. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

As my colleague Bonchie reported last night, Tucker Carlson teased new alleged Hunter Biden emails.

Carlson said they believed the emails came from the laptop but that they verified the emails were from Hunter Biden's email address at the time, which would indicate they were real.

The emails further explain what Burisma wanted from their relationship with Hunter Biden.

From Fox News:

On Nov. 2, 2015, at 4:36 p.m., a Burisma executive called Vadym Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden and his business partner, Devon Archer. The purpose of the email, Pozharskyi explains, is to "be on the same page re our final goals … including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions."

So what did Burisma want, exactly? Well, good PR, for starters. Pozharskyi wanted "high-ranking US [sic] officials" to express their "positive opinion" of Burisma, and then he wanted the administration to act on Burisma's behalf.

"The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US [sic] policy-makers to Ukraine in November, aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support" to Burisma.

What was the goal of all this? According to Pozharskyi to "close down for [sic] any cases/pursuits" against the head of Burisma in Ukraine.

Whoops. If that's true, sure sounds like Hunter Biden using his name/position with his father to help get Burisma out of legal trouble.

Then indeed, as we have reported, that's what followed. That suddenly, Blue Star Strategies, which was a P.R. firm hired by Burisma, was on a White House conference call about Joe Biden's trip to Ukraine. Tucker Carlson had an email telling Hunter about the conference call in Dec. 2015 with a memo of the minutes.

"Hello all …" it began. "This morning, the White House hosted a conference call regarding the Vice President's upcoming trip to Ukraine. Attached is a memo from the Blue Star Strategies team with the minutes of the call, which outlined the trip's agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine."

Joe Biden subsequently flew to Ukraine and made a statement against the prosecutor and then subsequently put pressure, as he admitted, on the Ukrainians to have the prosecutor fired.

The prosecutor Viktor Shokin swore in an affidavit that he had been investigating Burisma at the time and that he believes he was canned in March because of Biden's intervention.

The talking points on the left are that many wanted Shokin to be fired, that he wasn't investigating Burisma/other things and that's why he was fired.

The problem with this argument is that the Kyiv Post reported on February 4, that Shokin's office seized the property of the Burisma founder. That surely sounds like an ongoing investigation to me. Well, at least until he was then fired.

Carlson recalled that a State Department official named George Kent warned Vice President Joe Biden's staff that his son's relationship with Burisma was a potential conflict of interest.

"I was on a call with somebody on the vice president's staff and … I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board" of Burisma, Kent recalled. This, he noted, could create a perception of a conflict of interest.

So how did the vice president's office respond to this concern? According to George Kent, "The message that I recall hearing back was that the vice president's son, Beau, was dying of cancer and there was no further bandwidth to deal with family-related issues at the time."

Carlson also described a note Rudy Giuliani had from Hunter Biden to his daughter. At the end of the note, there's this quote: "But dont [sic] worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary."

Carlson also noted the questions about Hunter Biden's connections to China and the latest NY Post story on that.

One email describes a "provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows … 10 held by H for the big guy?"

The big guy? Is the big guy Joe Biden? If so, how much did Joe Biden get and how much of that came from the Communist Chinese government?

Here's Carlson's breakdown.

Two corrections to Carlson's description. First, Kent said while he was concerned about the potential for conflict, he did not know himself of any wrongdoing. Second, Rudy Giuliani described the note from Hunter Biden to his daughter as a text, not an email.