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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Where is my money placed?

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This is the last weekend before the Presidential Election on Nov 3. So we are very near to the moment that will decide the US future. Who will win? Anyone's guess at this moment although I have a firm confidence that the great Trump will win and give this great country four more years to continue to be great! Needless to say, I'm a strong Trump supporter. So the question comes where my money is lined up in this quite impactful election. Maybe you will think this is obvious that I hope Trump will win that will benefit me more financially. Certainly Trump's win will continue to boost the economy and the stock market, which will benefit me greatly. But you may be shocked to hear me also saying that, believe or not, Biden's win will also give me a net benefit financially, at least in the near term. Let me explain....

There are several aspects that I can largely benefit from a Dem's administration:
  • A few months ago I said I believe Biden's win will cause a market to crash. I must say I may be wrong with new developments emerging that I didn't consider back then. Actually now I also think Biden's decisive win will probably trigger a bull run for the market at least for a few months actually. Why so? Money printing!! As we all know, Dem is more in favor of printing money that is not to stimulate fundamental economy but more for wealth redistribution, which in the long run will accelerate the bankruptcy of the country but in the short run it is net positive for the stock market. As you may know, the Dem controlled House is trying very hard to push for a $5 Trillion stimulus package at the moment, which in a significant part is to designed to bail out the bankrupted Dem States that have been ill managed financially for decades. For sure the Trump administration is blocking this ill move for now. But if Biden wins, this will likely be pushed through very quickly and per some estimate, the amount will even be ballooned up to $6 Trillion or more. The shortsighted market always loves liquidity as much as possible and will for sure jump higher for that. 
  • A Dem's administration will be hugely positive for the legalization of  Marijuana nationwide. Putting aside the morality debate, this is a trend that cannot be stopped as nearly all of the States have one way or the other legalizes marijuana. While I personally don't like the recreational use of it, I'm very in favor of its use for the medical purposes, which to me has a huge bright future. So I have put quite some money in publicly listed cannabis stocks for this inevitable megatrend for the next decade. In addition, I have also invested quite a few startup companies in this field or called private equity investment. If Biden wins, this sector will shoot up to the moon. Who knows my investment in the early startups may bring me 50 or 100 times or even more returns
  • Precious metals and cryptos will also significantly benefit from a highly inflationary Biden administration. As I have talked about for many years, I'm a gold bug and now also a crypto bug that we have a great stake in both areas. I think the $5-6 Trillion stimulus package will trigger another moonshot for gold, silver and cryptos including bitcoin. Again I'm not only talking about publicly listed stocks but also private equity for both precious metal mining and crypto related startups. If any luck, this is also a potential for a big return as well. Regardless, at least Biden's win will trigger a home run for them that I can benefit from!
I hope you can see what I mean now why I may likely benefit a lot from a winning Biden from this election. So why am I such a strong anti-Biden/Dem advocate? Maybe sound disingenuous but it is truly from the bottom of my heart: for the long term prospects of this country in the big scheme of things and for my kids/grandkids future. Let me elaborate it a bit as well.
  •  Any Chinese of my age growing up in the 60s/70s certainly understands what kind of life we have gone through: extreme poverty! So we have first hand experience of what socialism can do and harm to the society. Wealth equality and redistribution will only destroy a country regardless of how rich it is, period! I'm 100% positive that each of us can tell a long story about what hardship we have gone through all these years before well establishing ourselves overseas! When we left China in the early 90s, we were so poor that I literally had to borrow money from my friend to buy an air ticket to Europe. The only hard cash I had at that time that I could carry with me was a couple of hundreds of HK$. And without knowing before we arrived, we couldn't exchange HK$ to the European country's money at the airport and therefore had no money to call a taxi. Luckily we met a strange overseas Chinese at the airport who helped us to call a taxi by prepaying the fare. I literally had to go to a restaurant immediately to work for living after I landed in Europe, which to many was already lucky enough as without a friend's help I could not even be so "luxurious" to quickly find a job when I could not even speak the local language (my work was to do cleaning work and wash dishes)!!  And without being able to rent a place to live initially, I had to live in a small church for a few weeks again with the help of friends. Then we had gone through numerous hassles, difficulties, and challenges in several different countries before we finally settled down here in the US. It is really a book long story if I want to tell all the details and I'm pretty sure most of friends out there can write also a book to tell their stories. Largely due to the uncertainties all those years, I can say I'm an undereducated guy as I didn't have time and money to go to any college/university even for one day for further education after I left China. So except the MD (equivalent) I got in China, I have nothing to show off for my academic background. Actually as I have told my wife many times, if I were 10 years younger, I'd probably try to get a MBA and work in Wall Street, which is really where my interest is!  I'm telling you all of these to let you know how much I value what I have got not only from my own efforts but with a lot of friends' help which I'm dearly appreciated and thankful! But ultimately without a society that has a system in place to encourage people to earn and create wealth by working hard regardless of your background, academic level, race and color, I know for sure I cannot have realized what I have got today! I know I will never reach what I dream for in a socialism country, period! 
  • Therefore my experience before and after leaving the home country has made me a strong believer that wealth is earned not given. And we cannot take anything for granted but we must make our own efforts to earn what we'd like to get! This belief has been so strongly established that has been engraved in my heart. Nothing can remove it, not ever!! Of course, wealth building requires personal efforts but it is equally important that a merit/effort rewarding system is available to allow such kind of efforts to be materialized meaningfully. Back in my youth years in China before the 90s, regardless of how much efforts we made, there was no way one could build up their own wealth as the wealth redistribution and egalitarianism (平均主义/大锅饭)were destroying any hope to make a decent living by personal efforts. After so many years of experiencing hardship and struggles before firmly establishing myself financially, do I want to go back to a society that will again promote wealth redistribution and egalitarianism? No way for me!! That's why I so much disgust Dem's socialism philosophy and policies which are totally against my fundamental belief and I'm completely convinced that they will bring down and destroy the US in the end!!!
  • Sure this is not something we will see and even feel overnight, rather a long term consequence. But the longer we move into such kind of system, the less chance we can go back. Socialism is just like an additive poison that may make you feel great while it is silently destroying and killing you. And we all know DEM as a whole has become increasingly radical and virtually all of their policies are becoming closer and closer to the Left-extremism. Here are the main ones: guaranteed basic income, free health care, free tuition, free child care, open borders and the Green New Deal.  More concerning, numerous scandals about the Biden family and many Democratic and leftist tycoons have recently been exposed, such as drug abuse, incest, abusive sex, child abuse, power and money trading, and even murder, treason, and collusion with terrorist forces ( 吸毒、乱伦、滥性、虐童、权钱交易,甚至谋杀、叛国、勾结恐怖势力). Most people would think this is a devastating blow to the left camp. But you are wrong! These criminal things are certainly beyond decent people's ethical bottom line, but not for Dem Leftists. For them, these are acceptable behaviors as long as they are in the name of politically correct!  
  • As such, if Dem controls the power, the US has no way but go down morally and economically. Just look at all the major cities that are controlled by DEM, from Detroit, Baltimore,  Chicago to now New York and Los Angel et al. They are either already trashed or are rapidly deteriorating. Here is what I just saw in a report: "苛政猛于虎! 在民主党统治下,加利福尼亚州的贫困率在美国最高,在美国的税收也最高。 无数加州人因为负担不起房租而流落街头。 露宿者的数量已达到新高。 加利福尼亚正在继续滑入深渊!(California has the highest poverty rate in the United States under the Democrat rule, and the highest tax rate in the United States. Countless Californians have fallen into the streets because they cannot afford rent. The number of street sleepers has reached a new high. California is  continuing to slide into the abyss!)" At the country level, just look at the real life example what has happened to Venezuela, a once richest country in South America that has been totally destroyed and decimated by the radical left government within just 15 or so years!! The country is one of poorest in the world now!! This is how much the destructive power the Left has that can demolish all the good things if you allow them. 
  • Sure this is not a short term phenomenon that will immediately affect the society in a profound way. As a matter of fact, my wife and I have already made up our own mind with a plan for a possible retirement life overseas. We don't need to stay here, especially if the radical Dem is in power. We have already established out foothold in other countries, e.g. Panama where we can liver like a king with what we have already got, given the substantially lower costs of living but with a world-class infrastructure and financial system. If you are interested to learn more, see my previous blog here. Ironically we may even benefit more from the DEM's welfare system after retirement but do I want to see a rapidly deteriorating country for my kids and grandkids that I know will end up with a disaster like Venezuela?
I hope this is the question everyone should ask for themselves before casting their vote next week! To me it is very clear that this is not a simple choice of Trump vs Biden, but which future you'd like America to be. As a matter of fact, Biden means really nothing to Dem but rather just a puppet! If he is elected, America has basically elects the radical leftist in the power. That's how worrisome as far as I can see and why I'm so strongly against Biden with the radical Dem behind him!!

By the way, just saw this well-written blog: 11月3日,你和我为谁投票?This friend has done a great job to summarize in more details from all the important aspects why this election is so important for you and me as well as for the US future. Highly recommend you to read it if you haven't!✌✊


By the way, if you are interested in joining my DW investment group, we have set up a Telegram group. 

Here is the link for "DW  谈股论金":    

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  1. When open the blog in Wechat,  点击右上角的三点,然后选在Safari 中open,然后点击the link and then join 
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