I'm showing you two charts below to let you judge yourself what will happen if Biden is indeed allowed to steal the votes to become the next fake president!
I guess you don't need me to decipher what Trump has done economically to the country in the past 4 short years. No one since 1929 has done what he has done to so much boost the income level for general Americans.
Per Dr. Art B. Laffer: After some 40 years of literal stagnation, real median household income is at the highest level ever recorded as of 2019, and just posted the largest year-over-year increase at 6.8% from 2018 to 2019. Purchasing power for Americans is rising to unprecedented levels...
The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement has been used to label the U.S. as anti-environment... But the chart above gives us a fresh perspective. We're doing a great job protecting our environment.
So what a Biden presidency (God forbidden if it indeed materializes) will do to this fantastic economic trend for the country? You can safely bet the US will revert back to the economic stagnation and become much worse than what Trump has done! Two reasons:
- First, dumb Biden knows nothing about the economy and he is already showing who he will rely on: the same old people from the Obama era for the same devastating economic policies to kill the robust US economy!
- His adoption of the laughable New Green Deal policies will further kill the economy to a much calamitous extent while the US environment has already improved substantially over decades. In other words, a huge amount of money in terms of trillions of dollars will be largely wasted virtually for nothing!!
Agree with u totally