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Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Real Win in the 2020 Election Battle

The Real Win in the 2020 Election Battle
By Trish Regan

It's been 36 hours since the polls closed, and we still don't have a clear answer on this election. Instead, both sides are lawyering up and preparing for a battle royale.

The votes are still being counted, and they'll be counted again and again. Then they'll likely be challenged again and again. Buckle up...

However, one thing is clear... The Left's demoralizing message that America is somehow a force for bad in the world... that America is a structurally racist place... and that the United States and its history must be torn down and rebuilt...

And that message has failed in an epic way...

There was no "blue wave" like the pollsters and mainstream media promised. (Conservatives even picked up some seats!)

Thank goodness. If only for reestablishing what we've long held dear... our ability to have and voice an opinion.

I can't tell you how many people have come up to me in recent days whispering, "Hey Trish, I figure I can tell you I'm voting for Trump." I suppose they feel they can confide in me because they read American Consequences, listen to the podcast, or follow my daily news and opinion items on TrishIntel...

But why the need to whisper it? Why can't they admit who they are voting for with confidence?

I think we all know why... because the folks on the Left have made it impossible to have a different opinion.

And people are afraid.

I was reading an article this morning in the American Spectator, and this really resonated with me...

The hidden Trump vote would appear to have thrown off the polls again – a phenomenon that illuminates the inhibited political ethos a punishing media has fostered in this country, where a significant swath of America quite understandably conceals its real views until it enters the privacy of the polling booth.

The hidden Trump vote is a rebuke to the ruling class and its ambitions to control the minds of Americans through skewed and hectoring propaganda.

The reality is many Trump voters may not like all that Trump does and says... They may even dislike some of his statements considerably, but there's something else that is undoubtedly more troubling: Americans are being told they are no longer allowed to believe in the values that the Trump administration has promoted, like individual responsibility, freedom, and low taxes.

Meanwhile, if you don't rank climate change as your No. 1 issue, then somehow you're a terrible person? Come on!

Yet, that's the constant message from the Left. We're bombarded with it every day as they accuse half the country of being "on the wrong side of history."

Effectively, it's Agree with us or else... or else, you'll be "canceled."

And that's a pretty big threat. Those that have dared to speak out in defense of political issues on the Right or in defense of the president have been attacked (including yours truly) at a merciless rate by this so-called mob.

They threaten anyone who voices a different opinion with economic and societal devastation. And you wonder why people are whispering that they're voting for Trump? They are too fearful to admit they like the president's policies and support him.

As you've probably gathered by now, I refuse to be intimidated...

I refuse to allow corporate America and the mainstream media to tell me what to say, what to think, or what to write.

It is my right as an American to have an opinion, and it's my First Amendment right to articulate it. In return, I expect honest discussion, thoughtful feedback, and fair analysis.

But not everyone can do this, and I get it. Which is why I was so encouraged to see such a massive amount of Americans vote and so many conservatives elected.

To me, the intolerance of the Left is backfiring. The lack of a blue wave is a direct backlash from those Americans who believe their views are under attack.

Americans are good people. And we believe in our history, our country, and ourselves. There's nothing wrong with that, and it's high time the Left recognize all Americans.

So, no matter who is proclaimed the victor of the presidential election, this is the real win.

Americans proved that we will reject cancel culture and we always reject the notion that America is bad.

Our biggest takeaway from 2020 should be to trust ourselves – not the media or the pollsters.

No matter what they try to force-feed us, we are still home to the greatest and most prosperous nation on Earth. Let's keep it that way.

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