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Thursday, August 15, 2024

What is coming next?

 The recent market crash has many of the same hallmarks as these past events:

  1. An unexpected, exogenous event causes sellers to swamp buyers in a “rush for the exits.”
  2. The market price moves sharply lower to find “buyers” at substantially lower prices.
  3. The market bounces as buyers step in to buy at reduced prices.
  4. The initial market rally fails, prices revert to previous lows, and investors’ sentiment becomes bearish.
  5. Buyers return to meet sellers at lower prices, ending the corrective period.

 As you can see from the four crashes before, all of them would have a retest of the lows sooner or later. For this one, I don't think "this time is different". We are yet to experience the last two events in red above. In other words, it is a high probability that the current rally is just a dead-cat bounce, which will be followed by another leg down soon.



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