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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Feel depressed? Don't be!

As I have said before, we human beings, since our birth in this earth, have drastically and dramatically changed in virtually all aspects of our life except one thing: the mood cycle and herd behavior. There is no difference for thousands of years that our mood in one extreme will always be followed by another extreme in the other end; and the herd is always feeling comfortable to go with the majority chasing around.  Don't fool yourself into believing that this time is different. Not at all. So after the mood is just at a spit distance to 100 in excitement that cannot go up anymore, you should be prepared for a shift to the other end....probably soon! I'm 100% sure that at some point in the foreseeable future, I will be telling you: Don't be too depressed!!

Sounds familiar about the above? Yes, my writing just 5 weeks ago and as expected, the mood has swiftly shifted from nearly 100% high to universally depressed now. Volatility has nearly doubled within 2 days! Indeed a massacre with blood everywhere. Have we already reached the bottom? I don't know and no one knows for sure. But I do know, if you were happy to buy a few weeks ago, you should be more happy to buy now when virtually everything is on sales with much cheaper prices not seen for quite some time. 

Don't be too depressed, at least for now!!    

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