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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

California is a large sucking hole….

"Let's get down to brass tacks...

"First, I used to schedule energy to the Pacific Interchange Utilities in the Pacific Northwest and at that time there were 17 of them. I sat across from the person dealing with the market in California. At that time, that state was 3,000 to 5,000 megawatts short to meet there then current load. That was in the mid to late 80s.

"California has gotten on the green bandwagon, and we are already seeing the results, historically impossibly high energy prices in a region, which is now more likely close to 8,000 to 10,000 megawatts shortage. It's fact 'Mother nature always wins, or finds the way to win'... Fires, drought... she especially hates a vacuum.

"California is a large sucking hole going down the tubes faster than a lead weight dropped from 100 feet... If I owned a business in California it would either close, or move, I would never stay there, and thousands of people are figuring that out. They are outlawing gas/diesel vehicles for electric ones or hydrogen-powered ones. There are three ways to extract hydrogen: electrolysis (putting sulfuric acid in water and running a current through it, breaks it down in to oxygen and hydrogen) that by the way costs more than oil/natural gas drilling and distribution, and the other ways are related to the processing of natural gas, again a hated fossil fuel.

"Second, that is only going to put a burden on other places, especially Democratic run places... The green bandwagon is a unreachable pipe dream, which will doom those places and ultimately the whole world to massive riots, and civil insurrections across the planet.

"Keep this in mind, rich people do not riot, pillage, or complain. They are rioted, pillaged, and complained against. The rich make up maybe 15% of the whole world... Statistics show that less than 3% of a population cause revolutions. If 50% of Europe is freezing, and the economy is in the toilet, you are going to see widespread riots, revolutions, and serious disruptions across the globe.

"You forgot one important thing in your 'resource stack' report... hydro. Many places have hydro generation installed. It's a renewable resource when it snows or rains regularly. FWIW, the second largest installed generation dam in this world is in the USA, it is Grand Coulee Dam in the state of Washington. It has approximately 7,000 MW of generation installed." – Monty B.

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