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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Make some easy money from this aphrodisiac (春药)

This is of course not a porn blog and I’m not telling you anything you may extrapolate from the title. But I think I can at least give some medical “training” if you have no such background and then tell you how we may even make some money from aphrodisiac.  So who usually needs aphrodisiac? You don’t need to be a MD to understand it is mainly for those who may be suffering from low libido and may experience something like impotence for men or low s’xx drive for women. That’s easy to understand. But what aphrodisiac may do for them may not be necessarily easily understood by anyone. Let’s assume the aphrodisiac I’m talking about here is a real one, from which obviously it may likely boost the libido and help those taking it to reach their climax or at least be able to complete their bedroom work. The thing that not necessarily many people understand is the damaging effect from the aphrodisiac frequent uses. Since the initial effect is likely very positive and euphoric for those who are suffering painfully from their inability, they tend to rely on it more and more, which tends to be addictive. But its further positive effect will likely become increasingly diminishing and many will just increase their doses which will eventually to the point of overdosing. You probably have heard some fatal stories of using aphrodisiac which are likely due to overdosing.
So why suddenly I’m talking about aphrodisiac here? Well believe or not, we are witnessing something that cannot have any better analogy better aphrodisiac. That is, what is going on in the Capital Hill in DC! In my mind, the DEM as a whole is suffering from severe depression that has led to libido deficiency. Led by Pelosi👵 and Schiff👴, DEMs on the Hill collectively are experiencing painful impotence or low s’xx drive, so much so that they must find some aphrodisiac. As a physician I totally understand how painful the impotent people are. For them, usually the whole and only thing interesting them is to get out of the impotence and become a real man or woman. So starting from day one of Trump’s presidency, they have done nothing but just used an aphrodisiac to boost their libido, first with the two years of witch hunt: Russian Collusion. Initially it went so well that Schiff almost got out of the severe ED but unfortunately after two years of non-stop repeated use of the aphrodisiac, its effect has eventually waned and miserably failed. So they have to increase its dose by trying something more powerful. So here comes with the Impeachment, the most powerful aphrodisiac for the DEM right now. Every day I’m seeing a very energetic Schiff and apparently the aphrodisiac effect is working again for now. But believe me, this is likely an ill omen for him/Pelosi and the DEM as the overdosing aphrodisiac may very well kill them eventually.💀💀💀
In other words, don’t believe the DEM’s aphrodisiac, Impeachment, at all! What they are doing will not only not help them at all, on the contrary, they may very well help to boost Trump’s libido and substantially increase his chance to be more successful in the next year’s election. It may not just be a simple winning, but likely a landslide winning for Trump and GOP!!💃👊 Of course, you don’t need to believe me. Below is what I saw from a Wall Street insider talking about the prospect of this saga involving Schiff/Pelosi aphrodisiac.

As far as this impeachment is concerned, let's jump straight to the bottom line: None of this impeachment gibberish matters, because it's perfectly clear how this is going to end. Love him or hate him, even if U.S. President Donald Trump is impeached (meaning he has formal charges brought against him by the House), he…Will. Not. Be. Convicted.

So you may ask, it sounds like just a fun talk about politics, nothing to do with investing. Well, here comes the investing part. As I have introduced to you before, there is a betting site called PredictIt that can speculate on virtually anything in the world and the US politics and presidential election are definitely one of the major interests for speculation (see here). If you believe me that the final effect from the DEM’s aphrodisiac will not go well for them, then betting for a Trump’s win for the next year can likely make you good money, Right now, the Schiff/Pelosi’s overdoing aphrodisiac effect is still making them reach and maintained at the orgasm level, which makes a lot of politically naive people think they can truly bring down Trump and prevent him from being re-elected. Don’t be so stupid by believing them! Betting again them is an easy trade with virtually 100% winning rate, if you truly understands how damaging the overdosing aphrodisiac will be for the DEM. I just checked and right now the betting rate for Senate to convict Trump is about 14%, i.e. there are stupid speculators believing there is still a good chance for Trump to be impeached by Senate. If you simply bet against them, I can guarantee you that you will walk away with about 16% gain or $14 for a $86 bet. This will be just a few month time.  This winning rate may be further increased if you wait till the House passes the impeachment motion and probably more stupid speculators will bet for Trump to lose in the Senate. A really laughable and easy money to make, friends!  

Be aware, while I never shy about my opinion on various issues, this is not my political talk but purely a logic medical assessment on the saga with an investing idea!

At your own cost of not believing me!!  😇😎😃

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