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Friday, February 1, 2019

The joke of the century

“The world will end in 12 years!”

If I were looking at your eyes making such a very serious claim, would you believe me? I bet you wouldn’t. No one will, I’m sure!! That’s why I have to say this is the JOKE of the CENTURY!!! And I hope you will agree with me.


You may think I have fabricated the joke myself but I didn’t. It is a statement made by a rising DEM star in the US politics, AOC. By looking at her very innocent eyes when claiming this, I’m sure she is deadly serious about this and she indeed believes it. More importantly she wants you and me to believe it as well. Now, I’m not going to talk politics here as regardless which side you belong to, it is your right and none of my business. So why I bring this up here? Because it is very much relevant to our financial future and if we are not well prepared, we may suffer badly as the result. At least I firmly believe so and therefore I’d like to share my thoughts on it here.


If this is a joke from a general young guy, I won’t pay any attention to it. It is common to hear this kind of mindless claims from various people around us and why be bothered by it! But AOC is not a general guy anymore. As I said, she is a rising star with real momentum that may become a significant political force in the DC. She has a huge followers base now and it may very well become the reality that she could be the next DEM leader in the not so long future. So we got to be serious about whatever she is saying now as her thoughts may become policies someday. That’s the most scary part I’m seeing. So why the joke itself is so important beyond just giving a laugh? The end of world claim she made was in the context of global climate changes and she wants to spend whatever it costs to tackle the climate change in order to save our world! She is also the one claiming that US is so rich that we can afford to allow anyone who wants to come to the country to support them. She wants to have a Medicare for everyone, a universal basic income, high tax (70%) on the rich....... You just use your wildest imagination to think about what she wants to do to help save the world. You see, in her mind, since our world will end in 12 years, why should we so much care about cost and money anymore! We are just too low to even think about this. So she is moving full speed ahead to spread out her ideology and she appears very successful in getting attention nowadays. That’s why I’m scared. I think there is a good chance she may become the next Obama but with more extreme left socialism ideology. Since their extreme ideology is so popular among millennials, don’t be surprised to see her or the alike in the White House to implement the extreme socialism policies in the not so long future. Then just watch what will happen to the US! Below I’m just sharing with you what has happened to the Venezuela following years of extreme leftist policies. You should see a lot of similarities between what was implemented there leading to the worst humanitarian tragedy in the human history and what may be coming to the US. Don’t take it for granted that such a disaster won’t ever occur to the US. As long as it is a human made calamity, it can occur to any country with the right conditions in place.  Unfortunately in my humble opinion we are seeing such kind of conditions shaping up! Tomorrow I’m going to share with you one idea that can help greatly just in case the worst indeed comes true to some extent. Stay tuned!  

委内瑞拉已故总统查韦斯 推行所谓的查韦斯主义,主要是三条:第一,把石油、煤矿、土地等重要的生产资料全部收归国有化;第二,大力发展国有企业,限制外来资本和民营资本的发展;第三,推行高福利,公民的医疗、教育、养老全部由国家承担,查韦斯甚至宣布要给每个穷人发一幢别墅。

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