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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Surf in the air

I’m writing this blog in the air when I’m flying back to the US. What is the thing you most want to do during the flight? Surfing the web to kill the boring time, right? I’m sure everyone is likely having this kind of wish but in reality this is a kind of luxury not many people can have. You see, till now, there is no easy Internet connection in the air and even the service is available in some airliners, the cost is forbiddingly high and is not affordable for most of passengers. But hope is coming because one company is a pioneer in providing the in-the-air Internet service to general passengers. I’m talking about GoGo Inc (GOGO). This is a fast growing company that provides a service which will be of a huge demand. You see, GOGO’s in-the-air connection is already very hot among business travelers as they don’t care too much about the cost but they just need to have their work done. When I’m travelling on a business trip, I want to check my emails in real-time and want to have access to my company’s Intranet so that I can have a lot of things accomplished during the flight instead of having to catch up hours later when I arrive at the destination. Therefore, GOGO is targeting a huge market and its in-the-air connection will soon become the norm for everyone when they fly. It is just a matter of time. Yes, there will be competition coming but GOGO has the competitive advantage; as the pioneer it has already dominated the market with all kinds of patent protection in place. If someone wants to step in later, they may likely be challenged for patent infringement by GOGO. This is one niche area with a huge potential and GOGO is the one to go with it. Buying GOGO for long-term will likely make money for you. Looking at the chart, actually this may be the good time technically speaking as it is right sitting at its support line.

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