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Friday, May 10, 2024

The rug is getting slippery again!

 The rug is getting more slippery!



                  Donald Trump Is the Best Friend of AI

The media’s biased coverage of Donald Trump makes it hard to separate fact from fiction.

His many accomplishments have been buried behind a bunch of trivial complaints.

But look closer, and Trump’s fingerprints are all over the current boom in technology, specifically artificial intelligence.

In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that without Executive Order #13,859, issued by Trump in February 2019…

We don’t have a bull market in AI stocks.

Trump doubled AI research investment.

And created the world’s first regulatory environment for AI.

Private AI investment jumped — and so did the progress of the technology.

Trump also agreed to make more government data available for machine learning and AI.

This Executive Order is what created the environment for ChatGPT’s owner, OpenAI, to get funding from Microsoft — starting with $1 billion in 2019.

The AI chatbot took the world by storm and thrust AI into the spotlight.

Since its release in November 2022…

Microsoft — already one of the world’s largest companies — nearly doubled.

And AI chipmaker Nvidia — whose hardware was behind ChatGPT – has risen 650%.

Trump even helped create the world’s most powerful supercomputer called “Summit.” 

Built by the Department of Energy at its famed Oak Ridge Lab, this supercomputer is eight times faster than the previous version.

It can process a mind-boggling 200,000 trillion calculations per second.

It was launched by Trump and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry in 2018.

And from day one, it’s been used for deep cancer research and genetics problem-solving.

It calculates the distance of galaxies and stars we’ve never considered.

Ad it’s helping solve some of the biggest problems in AI.

I’ll bet you won’t hear them report that in the mainstream press…

You see, very few people understand how important Trump has been for AI.

And as a result, very few people can see what’s coming now…

The next phase of the AI boom.

And a brand-new set of stock market winners…

 If you know where to look ahead of time.

I just recorded an urgent video message months ahead of the election.

I want to prepare you for Trump’s first act of his second presidency.

His opening executive order is not going to focus on political hit jobs…

Or the courts...

Or even the border…

My hunch is that Trump’s first Executive Order will instead address the number one concern of the AI industry.

And enrich a small set of companies in the process.

I’ve produced a list of these possible future AI winners.

 Louis Navellier

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