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Monday, October 30, 2023

Show Me the Money!

We're all familiar with the classic scene from the movie Jerry Maguire where the sports talent played by Cuba Gooding Jr. screams at his agent played by Tom Cruise, "Show me the money!" Well, Joe Biden had been doing something similar with the press for almost a year. There is a mountain of evidence that the Big Guy and other members of the Biden Crime Family have been running an international bribery scheme. Foreign entities including those controlled by the governments of Communist China, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine have been sending tens of millions of dollars to the Bidens in exchange for Biden selling out the national security of the United States. This has been done by selling oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, supporting the neo-Nazis in Ukraine in their war against Russia, and creating exceptions to sanctions on Russia that allow Russia to continue to earn billions of dollars on its oil exports. Payments to brothers Frankie and Jimmy Biden are well documented. Payments to son Hunter Biden and Biden's daughter and even grandchildren are also well documented. Biden has purchased several multi-million-dollar estates supposedly on nothing more than a U.S. senator's salary. Despite this evidence of a bribery ring, Biden has blamed his family members and said he has personally received no money. Biden's stock answer to any media inquiries is "Where's the money?" He repeats this over and over – "Where's the money?" just like Cuba Gooding, Jr. As a matter of law, you don't have to show a direct wire transfer to Joe Biden personally. It's enough to show that he received benefits in kind such as homes and cars. Still, as reported here, it looks like Congress actually can show Biden the money. Evidence has been revealed that shows Biden received $200,000 directly from a company where Jimmy Biden promised access to Joe Biden in exchange for cash. Of course, $200,000 is a small fraction of the total amount of bribes the Bidens have received. But it's enough to support an impeachment proceeding. And it's enough to support a criminal conviction of Joe Biden when he leaves office. It looks like Biden investigators are finally ready to show him the money.

Jim Richards

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