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Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Idiotic New Green Deal

What's wrong with AOC and Greta Thunberg and the other climate crazies like them? Almost every time I turn on the tv I see them yelling that the world will end if we don't stop global warming.

The sad fact is their hysteria is not driven by scientific evidence.

If science does not support their claims and if their alternatives cannot replace carbon-based forms of energy, what do they really want? What's the real goal of those attacking major energy companies and energy-producing countries?

They preach about the benefits of electric cars and solar power.

But in 2021, only a mere 15% of US electricity came from wind and solar power. And there's a reason for that. They're not very good. Wind turbines don't work when the wind doesn't blow…

Solar panels don't generate electricity at night or in bad weather. As sources of energy, they are intermittent and unreliable.

Both can contribute to the energy grid. But neither can support the grid.

Here's another thing Biden, AOC and the Dems haven't seemed to grasp…

A modern electric grid requires a constant minimum baseload of power just to keep operating. That baseload can be provided by coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear power but it cannot be provided by wind or solar.

And then, there's California. California liberals love to brag about how smart and "green" they are.

In August 2022, California passed a law banning the sale of cars and trucks that run on gasoline or diesel beginning in 2035.

"Just buy electric cars!" they said. But a few days later, it got hot. And the next thing you know, California announces its "green" power grid is unstable. They warn of rolling blackouts and then tell people not to charge their electric cars.

The fact is so-called "green" energy – wind, solar, geothermal – just does not work.

As former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee told Fox News "We have prioritized ['green' energy] over reliability and, sadly, it is going to take catastrophic events to recalibrate things."

And here's the real kicker. Almost 80% of the industry's campaign contributions go to Democrats. But the Dem's ideological support of "green" energy isn't just idiotic. It's hypocritical. Because while they're lining their pockets with campaign dollars from the "green" energy industry.

The truth about Climate Change is simple.

The climate is changing. It has been changing for billions of years. Climate change is one of the most complex phenomena ever addressed by science and one of the most difficult to model and predict. The nature and causes of climate change are a worthy challenge for the best scientists using the most sophisticated modeling tools and computational power available.

Unfortunately, the subject of climate change has been taken over by a group of pseudo-scientists using badly flawed models, selected data, and hyperbolic claims amplified by a largely ignorant media and opportunistic politicians looking to increase their own power.

Remember this…

Oil and gas are NOT going away.

They are too important, have too many embedded structural advantages and have huge economies of scale. Once politicians and the media become more aware of the real science of climate change and distance themselves from the false science of climate alarmists, the oil and gas industries will regain their footing.

There are opportunities in energy companies today that will rally in the years ahead as the continuing need for carbon-based energy becomes clear. Companies that will play a role in providing the energy the world will need for decades to come. Yet the market still underestimates the profit opportunities that lie in the future.

Jim Richards

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