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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Why is Ukraine Crisis the West's Fault?

Well, Putin is indeed more stupid to invade Ukraine, which is likely bringing himself and Russia into a messy swamp. Not sure he can easily climb out of the deep trap! While Putin is definitely a bully-man against the mankind, we have to ask what has really caused the Ukraine crisis?! Maybe Prof. John Mearsheimer can provide some insight to find the answer: It is West's Fault, leading to the Ukraine crisis!  As a matter of fact, Prof. Mearsheimer had already predicted 6 years ago all the things which are happening today in 2022!!

What Idiot Joe has done is simply giving Putin more "incentives" to initiate the war. Who can be more stupid than the Idiot Joe to make it very clear to Putin that NATO dared not to directly confront with Russia if they invaded Ukraine?! I also find and share below some interesting thought about the crisis from a friend. 


然而,不要忘了,在普金发动对乌克兰的军事行动当天,这些沼泽地集团就从俄罗斯购买了价值7.5亿美元的天然气,石油,各种贵金属。也不要忘了,上面这五项措施中没有对俄罗斯出口石油和天然气进行禁运。 俄罗斯是美国进口石油的第二大供应商。至于天然气,就更不用提了。德国(49%),意大利(46%)以及其他北欧东欧的国家有的100%依赖俄罗斯天然气。






With respect to the market reactions, it is not the time to sell everything due to panic, especially those long term investments. See below some major crises in the history and how the market reacted and moved on following each crisis. I personally placed some open orders to buy into panicky selloffs in the past week, for which I also posted my thought in my chat groups. After two days panicky buying following initial panicky selloff when the news broke out that Russia started the invasion, I took the short term gains off the table and am starting to bet on the downside low testing in the days ahead. This is a very fluid situation that moves the market in either direction constantly following each piece of news, negative or positive. But betting against each extreme is usually a good strategy with higher odds to gain!



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