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Saturday, December 21, 2019

春药下的半高潮 (Half climax under aphrodisiac)

They did it! As I hypothesized last time that DEMs as whole were on aphrodisiac to be self stimulating in trying to reach their climax. And finally they did it. The DEMs in the House accomplished their pre-play and collectively masturbated to try to climb to the pinnacle with impeachment. But, unfortunately their climax has been half halted by the old woman who is apparently not satisfied enough with the climax and is trying to prolong the course to get even more highs. OMG! How old is she now? Still so hyped in trying for more intensified climax? I really feel the pain for DEM now. Clinically we all know that half way halted climax is not healthy at all and even worse than no climax at all!😇😋😎

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was entirely unmoved by Pelosi's tactics: "I admit, I am not sure what leverage there is in refraining from sending us something we do not want," McConnell said with a wry smile from the Senate floor. "But alas, if they can figure that out, they can explain it. Meanwhile, other House Democrats say they would prefer never to transmit the articles. Fine with me!"  What a fun saga to watch!

In the meantime, cross the pond, something very interesting is also happening.  As I talked about a while ago, the UK Brexit saga would likely end up peacefully and the UK turmoil had likely reached its bottom a few months ago. That's why I called "The worst is likely over"! Indeed, the UK new election has decisively voted to allow the Conservative Party led by Johnson to exit the EU as planned. While the exact date of the Brexit may still be up in the air, the uncertainty that has haunted the UK for 3 years has finally be resolved and eradicated! As the result, my bullish bet for the UK Pound has paid off nicely. But not only that of course. For investors, any decisive resolution is certainly a very positive development and Johnson's election has resolved the uncertainty surrounding Brexit, with which all British assets - the pound, British shares and London real estate - are rebounding very well and will likely continue. Glad I shared a couple of ideas with my Family about these assets prior to the vote and indeed all are moving along well so far.

Apart from investment perspective from the Brexit, I think the election result in the UK is also a big warning for the Leftists here in the US. You see, whether pro- or anti-Brexit, the prospect of Labour victory was terrifying to U.K. businesses. The leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is a Sanders/Warren-like character. His vision for the Labour Party nothing but left extreme. Under his leadership, the Labour Party's platform included massive tax increases, the nationalization of utilities and the expropriation of landlords by tenants. And now, Brexit or no Brexit, British voters made it clear they had no appetite for Cuban-style socialism. The U.K. economy dodged a fatal political bullet as the result. Good luck for the UK!
Using the slogan of Bill Clinton's 1992 election campaign, it is "The economy, stupid!" 
I do hope the DEMs won't be so stupid to endorse the left extreme policies that will surely bring down the US economy to a halt. Most Americans are smart enough to understand this and just as what the UK voters have done, such stupid ideology will be surely left in the dead cradle if it has ever get a chance to surface.   


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