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Saturday, May 4, 2019

One thing that has not and may never change....

We visited France again last week after 25 years. 25 years is a long time and many things got to have significantly changed! Our son has grown up from a toddler when we first brought him to Pairs to a mature young man now. Last time when we were here, he often sat on my shoulder when we walked around but nowadays, he is moving around the globe without the need of our support anymore. He is currently studying his MBA at the famous INSEAD located in the beautiful small town, Fontainebleau (枫丹白露,what a beautiful Chinese name!)
So we came here to visit him but he was so busy with his study and exams that we actually only got a chance to have a dinner together. On the day of our departure back home, he was leaving to Lebanon/Beirut for a short visit with friends after the exam. One beauty of attending the extremely international INSEAD is a great networking power. They have 500 students this year from over 80 countries. Given the prestige of the school and not so cheap tuition and living expenses involved, even those coming from the underdeveloped countries are generally those with very good family background with a lot of local network. In this case, their two Lebanon students are organizing everything for over 50 schoolmates to visit their country for a week. Without good network there, it’s hard to imagine they can easily do that! After that, he will fly to Singapore for two months of study at the INSEAD Singapore campus there and then doing his summer interim back in Paris. So if your kids are thinking to study MBA, I’d highly recommend this INSEAD. It is not only more efficient and productive with just one year term (still not cheap though), it has a lot more networking power useful for their career! My personal bias of course!
 After this digress, France has changed a lot in many aspects. Over 25 years ago, there was no mobile facility and everything was still organized by hardware-based systems. Nowadays, virtually everything is reachable with just a few clicks on your mobile phones. One very notable change I have felt with is the attitude of French people towards English. Back then, French people were notoriously stubborn to avoid English at all cost. Even if they apparently could speak English, they would just talk in French to you. After all, they were so proud of French and afraid of the English invasion that they refused to use English to the max possibility. So back then, without knowing French, it was not easy to move around, especially when there was no online information to help. But not this time. I’d even say astonishingly nowadays how easy to communicate with French people with English! I guess the young generation in the past two decades have grown up in a world that is more open to the outside world and apparently they are happy to share information in English now. A big happy surprise!
But even though we have seen so many things that have changed since our last visit, one thing is still remaining the same, smoking! If you don’t know, French people are famous for smoking and it is especially true for young ladies, which may be viewed as a fashion there. After living here for so long, we are used to a world without much smoking smell around. But not in Paris! Still you smell the smoke everywhere in the public. For sure more and more people are smoking via vapor now but still you smell easily wherever you go. This is exactly why cigarette companies are so resilient and long lasting regardless how the entire world has changed with new life styles. But addiction is addiction, which is powerful and not easily to change. That’s why I don’t think much will change and probably will never change for the cigarette companies in terms of their business continuity. Of course they will adjust their business model due to the changing smoking habits, e.g. more e-cig or coming cannabis-based products, but their profitability is virtually guaranteed forever as long as people are still addicted to their products! While I’m not promoting smoking in any sense here, I do like the reliable income stream from the cig-stocks like MO or PM. Their stock prices may fluctuate, their dividend will continue to rise over time. The observation in France has reinforced my view on this. This is one type of safe stocks that you can safely keep in hedging against the inevitable financial crisis we are going to face down the road!                         

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