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Thursday, March 28, 2024

VIX is ready to jump...EARLY NEXT WEEK!


Do you know what this number is? Not sure many people will know is the intra-day new high of S&P 500 made last week. I thought the market would want to make a new higher today to surpass this high. Indeed the bulls had really tried hard today but astonishingly it abruptly stopped just at this high and turned back at the last minute. So the bulls have made to this all time high twice by now, which is quite bullish. Nevertheless, next week they may be hammered probably hard, given what my crystal ball is telling me. 

For us (the DW Family), thanks to the bulls kindness, we opened two trades to short the market, one a bearish call spread for SPX and the other with SPY puts. The sudden push up before closing had given us a very narrow window to buy the SPY put at a cheaper price. By closing, both trades were already in green but I'm looking for much bigger gain next week or two. 

Keep fingers crossed with my crystal ball!


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