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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Just When You Think COVID Policy Can’t Get More Stupid… It Does (Jim Rickards)

Lockdowns don't work because they keep people in crowded conditions where they spread the virus. The safest place to be is outdoors with no mask getting sunshine and fresh air. So, basically the government has been lying about everything and killing people in the process. Has the public caught on yet? For many, the answer is yes. Places like Florida, New Hampshire and Texas are relatively free. But, for many others the fear factor based on government lies just won't go away. According to this article, 48% of Democrats say you should be able to fine or punish people who criticize vaccines. 55% of Democrats favor fines on people who choose not to take the mRNA gene modification injections. 59% of Democrats favor a policy that requires the unvaccinated to remain in their homes at all times (except emergencies). 45% of Democrats favor concentration camp quarantine facilities for the unvaccinated. The list of idiotic policies supported by large segments of the population, mostly Democrats but including some Republicans and Independents, goes on. You can read all about it. From a market perspective, you should see this for what it is. It's not about public health or common sense. It's about a kind of neo-fascist government control over the lives of people who just want to make personal decisions about their health and the health of their families. This will be a deadweight cost on the economy for years to come. Expect lower stock prices and slower growth as the cost of lunacy adds up.

It's Hard To Keep Track Of Biden's COVID Lies. This Article Makes A Good Start.

The government has told so many lies about COVID, it's hard to keep track. Fortunately, there are experts who do this for a living, so we have a pretty good list of lies from this article. Joe Biden said, "I will shut down the virus." He didn't. Last December, Biden said "This winter, you'll be able to test for free in the comfort of your home." People spent the winter waiting in lines in freezing cold at testing tents because there were no testing kits available. We're still waiting for them. Biden said, "I don't think [vaccine mandates] should be mandatory," before he imposed vaccine mandates on over half the population (many of which have been shot down by the courts). The list goes on. The criticisms should not be confined to the Biden administration. The intelligence community under Trump said the evidence was inconclusive that the virus emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan. In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that that's exactly what happened, although we won't know for sure perhaps for decades because the Communist Chinese have covered this up. Anthony "Mengele" Fauci (who has lasted through seven presidential administrations), said the virus wouldn't get to the U.S. and you don't need masks before the virus did get to the U.S. Now, he has become a mask fanatic. Fauci is worse than wrong; he's a monster who has cost lives. The vaccines are not really vaccines; they're experimental gene modification treatments that have never been used on humans before and are not fully tested for side effects. Anyone who gets the jab is a guinea pig in a Big Pharma drug trial. This serial mendacity has destroyed the economy and cost lives. It has released the inner fascist in thousands of petty bureaucrats. It has damaged a generation of children who will never completely make-up for the lost education of the past two years. The behavioral effects of this botched pandemic response will not last for years; they'll last for decades. Life will go on, but it will bear no resemblance to pre-pandemic definitions of normal. There is no normal anymore. The worst impact of all of this may be the loss of trust in important institutions including the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, and the legacy media. When trust is lost, it's almost impossible to regain. Added costs from inefficiencies attributable to this loss of trust will be a drag on economic growth for decades to come.

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